From there they seeked out incipient danger and carried word south to Naggarond. The Ravenspears were one of five patrol-hosts meant to be standing sentry north of the Naggarothi watchtowers. That the Rimeshards had endured as long as they had was testament less to their bravery than their common sense in getting no closer to the foe than the maximum range of their crossbows. Unlike most executioners, the Ossian Guard struck only to cripple and maim, so that there would be sufficient prisoners at the battle's end to make a worthy sacrifice to Khaine.
> Ossian Guard (Har Ganeth Executioners) Their silence had been guaranteed by the removal of their tongues, but their fate was far kinder than those who guarded the Hag Sorceress' private quarters. These are the sentinels who stood watch over the upper chambers of Ghrond. This mod adds 7 loreful RoR units to the Dark Elves roster:ĭespite this, there was never any shortage of dreadlords wishing to take command of the Soulskulls, as many nobles saw only the prospect for wealth and glory, never the risk of ignominious death. This RoR pack is included in our Regiments of Renown Compilation.